Rev. Bill Marchiony, DD
Speaker, Teacher, Author, Thought Leader
Practical Prayer for Real Results
A Practical Prayer is a one that is answered. It works for anyone, regardless of their religious background or experience. The clearly defined sequence of steps for Practical Prayer described in this book are distilled from a common thread found in the spiritual practices of religions and disciplines all over the world. It's anchored in the rich history of prayer, yet free of the dogma and personality of any particular religion or belief system.
“Rev. Marchiony is a trustworthy guide into the sacred practicality of prayer. There is nothing like direct experience of the universe's cosmic laws, and that's precisely what the prayer principles he describes are based upon.”
- Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith
Founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, author of “Life Visioning”
From the Book…
Prayer works. It has been part of the fabric of many people’s lives for thousands of years and in many cases, people report miraculous results. The process described in this book is anchored in the rich history of prayer, free of the dogma and personality of any particular religion or belief system.
A Practical Prayer is a prayer that is answered. Pray for unexpected income and find a $20 bill lying on the ground. Or get a new job. Pray for a loving relationship and meet someone wonderful. Or fall in love again with the person you married. Pray for safety and security for a loved one and find out the police just happen to be setting up a community outreach center on their block. You get the idea.
Practical Prayer is a clearly defined sequence of steps intended to bring something new to the life or experience of the person doing the prayer. The formula was distilled from a common thread found in the spiritual practices of religions and disciplines all over the world. Practical Prayer is based on spiritual mind treatment, created by Dr. Ernest Holmes. He did his work in the early part of the 20th century and established Religious Science.
The process is scientific because it has been proven to work for anyone, regardless of his or her religion, race, gender, location, financial position, history, etc. Practical Prayer was developed and proven using the scientific method to the greatest extent possible in creating repeatable experiments in a context that is inherently subjective.
What people are saying...
"Practical Prayer for Real Results" provides both a quick, effective way to pray and a comprehensive deep dive into wholeness. It’s a wise and wonderful framework for grappling with life's challenges that makes practical sacred connections between everyday issues and that spiritual Source where the most powerful answers lie. Use it as an easy formula for powerful prayer and meditation or use it intensively to "marinate" yourself in the flow of the Divine through your life.
Rev. Dr. "Indiana Joni" Carley
Founder, Leaderful Edge - Progressive Leadership Development
I am engrossed in your book. OMG it’s absolutely wonderful. I don’t know how it came to me. And, as we know, it doesn’t matter. What matters is I have it and plan on passing it along to others.
Thank you, thank you,
- Barbara J. Gilfillan, RScP
Concordia CSL, Warwick, RI
"Learning to use the power within is a gift we give to ourselves. This book, Practical Prayer for Real Results, will assist you in forming and reforming your own reality. It is a gift."
- Rev. Loretta Brooks,
Sr. Minister, New York Community Center for Spiritual Living
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Classes & Workshops
Expand beyond your boundaries and step into your magnificence. Classes and workshops help you make a real connection to Spirit using a blend of ancient and modern spiritual practices.
These are wonderful ways to discover your inherent creative power. You'll learn to identify any beliefs or mental tendencies which are no longer serving you, and replace them with new, uplifting ones that fully support the life you desire.
Spiritual Practices
Prayer, Meditation, Life Visioning and other techniques to deepen into the Good that is at hand.
Learn the powerful prosperity principles that will let you live a life of rich abundance.
True forgiveness is the cornerstone for a loving heart and a peaceful life. Releasing resentment and anger about things that happened in the past, or that continue to upset you now, is the path to peace.
Study the metaphysics and meaning in the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Troward, Phineas Quimby, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Ernest Holmes, and more.
I am so grateful for having taken the “Spiritual Economics” course! As my professional life evolves (and couldn’t we all use extra prosperity and positive thinking??!), the prosperity consciousness courses being led by Revs. Bill Marchiony and Dave Schpok, and my ongoing interaction with them and others in the class, have been an invaluable resource and source of inspiration and positive energy.
- Sherry R.
For all areas of life.
Physical comfort and wellbeing.
Prosperity and abundance.
Relationships with spouses, family, friends and others.
Sharing your gifts and creativity.
Deepen into the Truth of your spiritual nature.
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Live classes and workshops are offered through New Thought Philadelphia, and are credentialed through the Emerson Theological Institute.
On-demand classes
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Practical Prayer for Real Results
Learn the powerful formula that's common to the most effective prayers in many of the world's religions. Five lessons, including an interactive musical experience with Amy Steinberg. Start any time! Click here...
Tech for Ministry - Hybrid Zoom Events
On-demand course on creating hybrid in-person/online programs for Classes and Sunday Celebrations. Click here...
Practical Prayer videos
This is the introduction to Practical Prayer.
Guided Meditations with Practical Prayer
Music for these meditations composed by Stu Shames.
Joyous, Sweet Perfection
We set the intention for all of the pieces fitting together in joyous, sweet perfection, being in the right place, at the right time, with the right resources, and the right guidance, to allow, invite, and support something new and wonderful coming into our lives.
Change the Way You Engage
The way we experience the world changes when we change the way we engage with the world. This meditative practice includes a brief experiential exercise that reminds us that we are free to change. There's time in stillness before closing with a Practical Prayer inviting guidance, support and uplift in our lives.
Open to Something New
Sometimes the experience that we have doesn't match with our desires - it's not what we had in mind. When this happens, it's clear that we need to take different steps, but we don't necessarily know what those steps might be. We let go of what has not been serving us and open up to something new. There's time in stillness before closing with a Practical Prayer inviting guidance, support and uplift in our lives.
Life Everlasting
With every breath, we can be reminded of the wonderful gift that we have - that we are - of this moment, this life. Every exhale is a reminder that we are free to let go of our past experiences and make way for something new. Good, and more good is available right now and always. We join together to claim it. The good continues to unfold, and the blessings continue to reveal themselves.
Gravity and Gratitude
It's been said that the glue that holds the universe together is gravity. I'm going to suggest that it's gravity AND gratitude. Gravity pulls everything together, keeps the planets in their orbits, keeps the galaxy spinning - a fundamental force in nature. And it is working everywhere. Gratitude, too, is working in all of the areas where we focus it. We can be grateful at any time, for anything - or IN anything.
Present to Every Step
Instead of being distracted by a milestone that's coming up, we can be present to the process. Reaching the top of the mountain is the goal. But every step along the way, is as important as the top step. By being present to all that is going on, we open ourselves up to love and harmony… to wellness and uplift… to prosperity and joy… to connections and Peace of mind, in all sorts of different ways.
The Practical Prayer podcast
New episodes every Wednesday!
Join us Live!
We recordthe Practical Prayer podcast every Monday at 1pm ET and livestream the session. Join the "live studio audience" on Facebook or YouTube for a peek behind the scenes.
You can also ask a question, suggest a topic or request a Practical Prayer. Rev. Bill and Carol will respond in an upcominmg episode of the podcast.
These are the livestream recordings of the Practical Prayer podcast. Subscribe on YouTube to see new ones as they're released
Rev. Bill on Insight Timer
Listen to the library of Practical Prayers and Meditions that Rev. Bill shares on this wonderful community platform.
Spiritual Adventures
Spiritual Adventures are transformative activities that invite you to deepen into a greater awareness of your own spiritual nature with a safe and supportive group. Each Adventure combines emotional, intellectual, and physical techniques from a range of practices to create a powerful and life-affirming experience.
These are spiritual, but not religious. Spiritual Adventures are open to people in any church or faith tradition - or no traditional practice. All are welcome!
Together, we’ll tap into the Power that created us, the Love that connects us, and the Good that’s available to us.
Each Adventure uses common activities and items in a metaphoric manner, allowing us to connect with an underlying metaphysical principle.